# Quickstart (Pokémon Edition)

In this quick start guide, we'll show you how to set up a task, run it, and export your data. Grab your favorite drink 🥤 and let’s scrape some Pokémon!

# Step 1. Sign up for an account

First things first, you need an account to extract data.

Go ahead and sign up which takes a few seconds.

# Step 2. Set up the scrape

Once you’re logged in, enter this URL:


Underneath it, enter this prompt:

Scrape 100 pokemon for: name, type, and number

Then click on the orange arrow to “plan” the scrape (our AI gathers the information needed to run your prompt).

Next, you’ll be taken to this page below where you’ll see some additional categories.

  1. Starting URLs section
  2. Find more URLs section
  3. Extract data section

You can uncheck “Limit number of results” if you don’t want to add a limit to your scrape, but keep in mind that each result costs 1 credit.

As for the 3 other sections, don’t worry about customizing for now because our AI has done most of the heavy lifting for you and our prompt is pretty simple to begin with.

All you have to do now is to click “Run”.

# Step 3. Sit back and enjoy

It’ll take a few seconds to gather the results, in this case, 100.

Once it’s done, you can export to Google Sheets or download as CSV and you’re done!

Congrats on completing your first scrape on FetchFox 🎉